Thursday, February 9, 2012

Afternoon at the Park!!!

We went to Huntington Central Park today and I got some good shots of My Mr Man!!

we had so much fun! He ran through the grass and went down the slide and went on the swings. It was such a perefect day to go out and play! 

Poor little man

Swollen face 
Hi! Well the last few weeks have been interesting to say in the least. Bradley has been to the hospital twice now with allergic reactions to what we thought was food.

Then he has a Doctors appointment the other day with the allergist and he said that Bradley has Bronchiolitis (which isnt bronchitis) and needs a breathing machine called a nebulizer to help him breath.

Granny giving him His nebulizer

Snuggling with Daddy after treatment

In the meantime our kitchen sink pipe broke and the plumber came out and tore down some of the wall and we saw that there was mold behind the wall. I brought this up to the doctor and he said mold can cause this if the baby is allergic to it. So now we are testing the mold to see what it is. Next week Bradley has to go in and have a skin scratch test done to see what else he is or isn't allergic to and potentially will be getting a baby epi pen. Its been really sad to see him struggle like this and to know what he has to go through next week. I know there are other babies who have gone through much worse and I know this could be so much more serious but its still sad to know your baby is in pain and you can't fix it with out doing painful tests.