Thursday, January 26, 2012

Catch Up

Hey there,
So its been a while since I wrote on here so I will do a fast catch up blog and then hopefully keep up on it better this time. hehe!

Ok so where to start,

In July we celebrated our first Independence Day with Bradley and he loved the fireworks. He just stared at them in awe of the colors. It was so much fun to watch him get so excited over them. We spent the day at Grandma Lynda's house (GG to Bradley short for Great Grandma) We just all had a great time

Also in July we went swimming several times! He love the water. He love to splash and get it everywhere. He would cry when we got him out of the pool. My mom has a pool so I know this summer he will be in it a lot.

In August My dear friend Danielle got married and Bradley was the ring baby! It was so sweet and a Beautiful wedding. Bradley was in a cute suit and was pulled down the aisle in a wagon by the flower girl. He was a hit and behaved so well. He just sat there the entire ceremony and was just as cute as can be.

In September a friend of mine took some photos of him around the house and they turned out amazing. Some of my favorites so far...

In October we went to the Pumpkin Patch and that was super fun! Bradley had such a blast with all the fun colors to look at! 

In November We had Thanksgiving and that was an interesting time. Bradley was having some stranger danger and was affraid to go to new people so that made my moms dinner of 20+ people a fun place to be. He LOVED the turkey though. He really is a great eater. He loves to play with his food and to feed himself. He loves to eat big boy food.

 In December he started walking!!! That was amazing!!! I cant believe it. 9 months old and walking!! We also saw Santa, He didnt like that to much poor thing was so scared

And that brings us to Jan and I am caught up... missed a lot of little details but no one really reads this anyways. lol!

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