Saturday, June 4, 2011

Confused and I don't like it!

OK to start from the beginning, When Bradley was 6 days old he had his first suppository since he hadn't had a BM in 4 days. With all the breastfeeding issues he was on milk based formula as a supplement. He had more and more constipation issues so the doctor switched his formula, this repeated itself for 2 months and the constipation did not get any better. They thought for a while that he had acid reflux and gave him medication for that and that didn't work either.

About 3 weeks ago I called my mom crying like a 2 year old because Bradley wouldn't stop crying. (which was my normal day, spells of him crying for 6-7 hours a day non stop). She told me to hang on and had my step mom call my husband and told him to go get soy formula on his way home from work and she told him there was no if, ands or buts about it and it was an order. I kind of laughed at it. So he did as he was told like a good son in law with the hopes that something would work because the crying like this was not only killing me but making me super cranky  and I was biting his head off too.

So we gave Bradley the soy bottle and with in 30 min he had stopped crying and was smiling and totally happy. This lasted for 3 days so the pediatrician agreed that he was lactose intolerant. So we thought that was that and all was good. Boy we were wrong. So with the happy tummy from not having milk came some really backed up bowels, which we read was a side effect of soy.

The doc told us to try watering down his bottle, didn't work. She told us to try more suppositories to regulate him, didn't work. Try apple juice, Nada, try prune juice, still backed up, try watering down the bottles more, still backed up.

So today i decided that this is more then just formula thats making him backed up. He has been having this issue since he was less then a week old and nothing has worked so there has to be more to it. I called the doc today and she said that she was stumped and to take him to CHOC since they would know more about what to do and have more equipment to run tests.

So we went to the ER and gave them the 411 on his 3 months of life and how he has been constipated more then not and how it causes him pain and discomfort and we wanted some answers.

The took X-rays of his chest and tummy to see if anything was in his intestinal tract and if there was something in the way that would cause chronic constipation and sure enough there was a big mass in his colon. So they then took some blood to test his sodium since we have been watering down his bottles and started an IV for some fluids to make sure he is on tack with his fluids. They then did an enema to get the mass out, which worked just like the suppository does. He then told us to use the laxatives and if it doesn't go away to see the GI. He said that he hopes that getting him flushed out will regulate him. If thats not the case then there is some other rare issue that is doing this and we need to see the GI for that.

Here is where things start to confuse me...

Our doctor told us to water down his bottles to help his BM's come in less hard, the doctor in the ER said NO NO NO that can cause sodium deficiencies and vitamin loss. Doctor said to use suppositories every 24 hours and the ER doc said no not at all that it can cause damage to his bum and that it will cause him to be reliant on the stimulation to go and will stop going on his own. Our doctor told us that giving him 6oz of formula every 4 hours was OK and the ER doc said no.

I am getting so confused with the doctors difference in opinions and I don't know what to listen to any more. Its my sons health and I want to do whats right for my son but its so hard to do that when you have different doctors that you trust tell you things that are night and day.

Another thing is the ER doc gave us some laxatives for Bradley to take to hopefully put him on the right track. He said that if it doesn't go away in 4 days to go to a Gastro Doctor and get a colonoscopy and then a nurse came in and said that we should make an appointment with one for a consult right away, which is what my mom says we should do.

I wish that all the children doctors were on the same page with what to do. I wish I knew what the right choice was for my son! It's hard enough to know when to take him in and to worry about getting sick and now I have to worry about what doctors to listen too. UGH

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