Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First few days as Mommy

Everything happened so fast that it didn't hit me that I was a mom until everyone left and Randy fell asleep and I had a few minutes to look at my son and just take it all in. That was the first time I cried.

My first night in the hospital was extremely long. I was trying to breast feed so I was getting use to doing that. He would nurse for an hour at a time and then want to be nursed again 45 minutes later. Between that and him being changed and me being worried when he was sleeping alone in his little crib next to me and then you ad the pain in my tummy I was scared to fall asleep.

He cried a lot the first few days. Sometimes for several hours at a time. I didn't think he was eating enough, I didn't feel like everyone told me I would when I was breast feeding. I didn't get the "let down" or engorged or any different feelings at all. I must have asked the nurses 20 times if that was normal and how to know if anything was coming out. They all told me to keep nursing and I was doing the right thing. So I kept nursing.

I remember one night he was crying and screaming for almost 2 hours. Randy and I couldn't calm him down. I was convinced something was wrong so I paged the nurse on duty and she came in to help us. That was the worst night for me. While I was in tears since I had not slept for even 5 minutes since I got there (Tuesday morning and this took place Thursday at 4am) this so called nurse told us that we were doing it all wrong and that I was to stressed and I needed to calm down and stop crying or I would be a bad mom. She told me that I was lucky that I had my husband with me and that most moms there didn't and I needed to take advantage of that. She told me I was holding him wrong, feeding him wrong and swaddling him wrong. She even at one point raised her voice and told me firmly to stop crying. I was so terrified that I was totally messing up. After a few more hours and my mom coming to help I realized that she was a horrible nurse and that I was doing fine. I can't believe a nurse could say that to a mother who has only had her child for under 72 hours.

Our stay at Fountain Valley Hospital was not the greatest. I will definitely  not have my next child there. They were rude and unorganized. The nurses all seemed bother by the fact that I would page them for my medicine or for help with Bradley. My first night there 12 hours after my C Section the nurse came in at 4 in the morning and told me I had to get out of bed. I had just gotten Bradley to sleep and was in desperate need of some shut eye myself. The morphine was getting the best of me. She said that I needed to toughen up and get out of bed. I was in tears trying to move. She made me walk all the way to the bathroom sit down and stand back up and walk back to my bed, even though I had a catheter in. She didn't care in the least bit that I was tired and was not sensitive to the fact that walking hurt like hell. I had another nurse come in and check my IV's and she leaned on my incision and I screamed and she looked at me and said "oh, did you have a C Section" I just looked at her with more tears in my eyes and said "can I please have my pain meds no?". How can you be my nurse and not know I had a C Section? Could these nurses pretend to care at least.

He got circumcised on Thursday. I was so sad and afraid for him.They didn't let me go with him which is a good thing. I don't think I would have been able to handle that. The doctor said he didn't even flinch when she did it. He bled a bit and I was terrified to change his diaper. I cried when they brought him back to me and showed me what it looked like. Poor little man.

I was so relived to come home. I got discharged on Friday March 5th. About 3 hours before we went home the doctor told us that Bradley had Jaundice, and that we needed to give him some light and keep feeding him and he should be fine. He also had a fever and had lost 1 pound. Getting him ready to go home was exciting and scary. I felt comfortable there and didn't want something to happen to him so far away from help. But at the same time I was relieved to get out of that Hell Hole.

We got him all dressed and ready to go and got the car all packed up.
Him ready to go home

Getting me into the car was a mission. Very painful. My mom took Bradley and I to my house while Randy went to pick up our dog and get her home. We had been told to have the dog, Bella, home before the baby got there so she didn't get aggressive so thats what we did.
The drive home was rough and long. The roads were bumpy and every pot hole was a sharp pain. I swear my mom was hitting them on purpose. hehe. My sister was there with us, we were talking and making jokes and having a good time. 

I was relieved to be home! 

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