Saturday, May 21, 2011

My pregnancy and delivery

I got pregnant on May 15th, I found out on June 9th. I was totally stocked. Words can't explain how happy I was to finally be pregnant. We had been trying for so long it got to the point that I didn't think I could have children. I had some issues in the past with my cervix. For a while my doctor thought I had cervical cancer and I went through several procedures trying to get rid of it. He told me I needed a hysterectomy and I freaked out. I was only 21 years old so I went and saw an oncologist and got a second opinion. She told me i didn't have cancer and that what he did was not needed. I had something called cervical dysplasia and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I had some scar tissue on my cervix from what the previous doctor did but nothing would keep me from having children (the doctor that diagnosed me with Cancer said I would never be able to have children).

So after all that you could imagine my excitement and relief when we conceived my son.

My pregnancy went really well. I didn't have any morning sickness at all. I had some issues with some foods, my tummy would get upset when I ate red sauce or hamburgers. I had mad cravings for oranges and chocolate milk, not together but thats all I wanted. My pregnancy went perfectly I had no issues. We found out it was a boy at 13 weeks in and we were so happy. From then on we started planning what his nursery would look like and what his name would be. Randy picked his name, Bradley, his middle name Christopher is after my little brother, his middle name is also Christopher. My brother and I are very close so I wanted my son in some way to be named after him.

As I got further along the doctor kept making comments on how big he was. He was weighing in over 2 and a half weeks ahead of schedule. By the time I was 34 weeks he was already over 8 pounds. We were told at that point that it might be possible that we will need to have a C Section. I was crushed. I wanted to have him naturally, my family kept telling me to wait it out and we will see. At my 37 week appointment he was 9 pounds, and my doctor said I don't think he will come out naturally, I think we may need to consider a C Section. She told us to go home and look into what it entails. So we did, at that time I decided that we would do what ever is safest for Bradley. I wasn't going to risk his safety because I wanted to have him naturally... I felt that was a bit selfish. So at 38 weeks we went to the doctor and he was approximately 9.2 pounds, she said OK what do you want to do. I asked her what the risk was having a C Section and she said 1 in like 100 get slightly cut when they cut open me... but its nothing serious. I then asked what the risk was having him naturally. She said that he is so big and he hadn't dropped at all, my body wasn't ready to have him. She didn't think he would come out at all. She said if he by some chance got his head out his shoulders would get stuck. I had a narrow birth canal and that she was afraid she would either have to push him back or possibly break his shoulders to get him out which could potentially paralyze him. She said that I could also go to over 42 weeks since it takes a while for the baby to drop in the birth canal and he wasnt there yet. If that were the case he would be over 10 pounds and could have risk of diabetes. So we decided to have a C Section, we scheduled it for a week later, March 1st, which was my sister in laws birthday as well.

After the appointment I felt good about what we decided to do. I knew that it was the best thing for my son, I was so convinced that I couldn't have him I wasn't about to do something that could potentially hurt him.

March 1st came in the blink of an eye. I didn't sleep 1 blink the night before. I have a anxiety issue. I am TERRIFIED of needles and anything that might slightly cause pain. I got good at giving blood during the pregnancy but other then that I am a total baby. I have never even had a cavity filled .. not by choice but because I have never had any, so this idea of having surgery was terrifying.

We got there at 12 pm, the C Section was scheduled for 2pm. I got prepped for the operation and I kept crying, my mom kept telling me to calm down and there was no backing out and that I needed to just get over it because I was having a baby. Well that wasn't helping, it made me feel worse for being scared of the surgery instead of being happy to finally meet my son. Well 3 long hours later I am fully prepped and heading into the OR (apparently at this point my blood pressure was 192 over 110 and I was at high risk for a stroke, they told my husband and my mom this... good thing they didn't tell me). I went in for the epidural and about had a panic attack. There was a nurse there who was someone I have known for almost 20 years, if it weren't for her I honestly think I would have fainted right then and there. After I got the shot and was on my back I couldn't keep myself focused on anything. The lady that gave me the epidural kept poking me to see if I was fully numb, they called my husband in. He bent down and gave me a kiss, at the same time she was still poking me to see if I could feel my legs. At that point I couldn't feel anything, my OB said I was going to feel some pressure and I sure as hell did. I screamed so loud, well I thought I did, and then he was out. They asked if I wanted to see him and I started crying and said no because the lady was taking down the curtain and I thought she was going to take it all the way down. I slightly saw him but I was so scared of seeing myself like that I didn't want to look too much. I remember telling one of the nurses to cover my ears because I was afraid of hearing them talking about sewing me up. They brought Bradley around for me to see and I just fell in love. He was 9 pounds 11 ounces and 21 inches long. He was a big baby. The doctor was right about him not being able to make it out naturally. I was happy with my choice to have a C Section.

After all that I went into recovery and waited to see him. After an hour they brought him to me. I started crying and I breast fed him for the first time. It was amazing. They finally took me back to my room and I had all my family there to see me. I was so drugged up from the epidural and the morphine and the motron I was slurring my words and I could barley focus on anything. After all my family left and Bradley was sleeping I asked Randy how it all went. He told me that when he came into the OR they were already cutting me open. So when they told me I was going to feel pressure that it was really them pulling him out of me, he was stuck apparently in my rib cage. So that was news to me. I thought it was a little funny. We were a little bummed though, he wanted to cut the cord and he didn't get a chance to do that.

And thats the story of how my son was born.

Not my best photo but its me holding him only hours after I had him

Right after he was born, before either Randy or I held him

Doing all his tests to make sure he is healthy 

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