Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Soul Mate, Best Friend, Husband

After talking so much about my son I wanted to take some time to talk a little more about my husband. I am such a lucky girl to have him as my partner. He has always been my number 1 fan and always been there beside me no matter what life sent our way. We have had some really rough patches in the past with finances or our living arrangements or just life itself and no matter what we always knew we would be ok because we had each other.

He has always done whatever he can to make sure I always had whatever I wanted. Now don't take that as me being one of those girls who likes that kind of thing and expects it. Yes I appreciated everything my husband does for me, but I do not expect it. I am a very independent woman and always have been, even since I was a little wee one.

He does things like work extra hard so I don't have to go back to work, even though we don't think thats fully possible, its the thought that counts. He gets home from work each day and makes us dinner since Mr. Bradley usually wont let me do it. He gets up with me at night to feed him, now we just take turns doing it so we can get full night sleeps every other night.

I could go on! I just really am such a lucky person.

I just had the urge to say that on here. Sometimes I take having him in my life for granted. I get lost in my son and sometimes need to take a step back and just appreciate Randy. Ever since we had Bradley I must admit we have been closer then ever. We make it a point to not loose the us time that we cherish. Every night when Bradley goes down we spend time in bed just talking about the day, no matter what time it is. We also have date night once a week and god somewhere nice and have us time, yes we take Bradley but we go during nap time so he just sleeps and we can enjoy each others company. On the weekends all 3 of us will have time to relax and watch a movie or something and just be lazy for even just a couple hours to make sure we take in every minute we can of being parents

We try very hard to make sure that we don't loose us while being Mommy and Daddy and I think so far we are doing great. We want to be just as in love, if not more, 30 years from now and the only way is to make sure we stay focused on us even for a few minutes a day. We don't want to end up being those parents who blink and it all has changed and they didn't enjoy parenting together and didn't enjoy each other.

I honestly believe that he was a gift from the heavens to me. I am not the easiest person to deal with at times and he is so patient with me. I am very blessed to have him as my partner, he really is my soul mate and best friend

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