Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thankful for my Mom

My first days home I was lucky to have my mom. She did all the cooking and cleaning and helped out so much with Bradley. I don't know what I would have done with out her. I had a hard time with the breast feeding. The first night home I had fed him for almost 2 hours straight and he was still screaming. She came into the room and with one look at him she knew he was hungry. So she went downstairs and made him a formula bottle. He took it so fast. I broke down in tears... again. I felt horrible that he was so hungry. I knew all along that he was not getting enough milk, or any at all and the darn nurses would not listen to me. My poor boy was just hungry. That was the first night of my breast feeding nightmare.

Having my mom there made things so much easier for Randy and I. We had amazing dinners every night, we bonded so much with her, and not to mention she got to spend some great time with Bradley. I would so have her move in if my step mom and my siblings would allow that. I really miss having her here, and not just because she cooks amazing steak, but because it was nice to have time to bond with her like that. It has been a long time since we had just us time to do that.

I am a bit of a mommies girl if you didn't notice

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